February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
Saratoga Springs
Saratoga Springs
Saratoga Springs
Extracurricular activities play an important role in the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. Ascent Academies believes in providing extracurricular opportunities for students outside of the classroom. Each campus will determine what activities are available, however students will be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities that are offered at any other campus.
Participation in interscholastic athletics, student government and cheer is a privilege and is not a constitutionally protected civil right. Therefore, students who are suspended or expelled or who do not meet the minimum attendance, citizenship, and GPA requirements will lose the privilege of participation in the activity.
If you have questions, please view our Extracurricular activities policy and requirements on our Policies & Procedures page.