February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
February 12-14
Simply click the application button on our enrollment page and then complete the online application.
If the number of applicants exceeds a charter school’s authorized enrollment capacity, students are selected through a randomized lottery. When a student is chosen, siblings of the applicant (within the same household) are also invited for admission, provided there are openings. Students currently admitted are given preference for re-enrollment. Siblings of admitted students are given preference relative to other applicants. Like other public schools, AAU will not discriminate in its admission policies and practices.
Ascent Academies is open to all students without admissions requirements, except in accordance with statute: Children must turn five (5) on or before September 1st of the school year to enroll in Kindergarten. Applications received for children who are not old enough to attend school for the school year they are applying for will not be accepted. Additionally, any student who has been expelled from any school, including Ascent Academies of Utah, during the preceding tweleve months, may be denied enrollment.
This cannot be determined due to the number of students applying each day for a limited number of openings at each campus. Also, we are unable to predict when and how many student openings may occur at each campus based on the number of students who will accept or decline an offer of admission.
This cannot be determined due to the number of students applying each enrollment period for a limited number of openings at each campus.
We will have enrollment opportunities beginning in January of each year and continuing throughout the year as needed. Once our existing student numbers can be assessed and siblings given preference, we will run the lottery to fill any available seats. If your child is selected, you will receive an e-mail or a phone call. You must either accept or reject the position within the stated period of time in the e-mail message. If you choose not to attend, or if you do not contact the appropriate person within the given timeframe, your student will be declined and your student’s position will be offered to another student.
You will receive an email. Please make sure that you provide AAU with a current email that you check regularly. It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact information is up-to-date. Ascent Academies is not responsible for outdated contact information or the inability to contact you.
If you need to update your personal information such as phone number, address, or e-mail address please log into the enrollment portal.
Some applicants are eligible to receive preferential enrollment, they include: (1) applicants with a sibling that is already attending the school; (2) the applicant’s parent is a founding member of the school; (3) the applicant’s parent is a teacher employed by the school; or (4) the applicant is a currently enrolled student transfering from one AAU campus to another AAU campus. Extra volunteer hours, services, or donations are not accepted in exchange for special preference.
Students that are currently attending classes at an AAU campus will receive preference when matriculating from one campus to another campus. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee availability at the receiving campus.
In the acceptance e-mail notification, instructions will be given on how to complete registration paperwork. Parents must complete the required paperwork within the time period specified.
Your application will remain within the lottery pool for another opportunity in subsequent lotteries, should space be available. Each student’s application will remain in the lottery pool until they are accepted or the school year closes. Each year a new lottery pool will begin and student applications will not be rolled over.
In 2021-2022, AAU is authorized to enroll up to 3,126 students in grades K-9.